Everything I Crocheted in 2024!
As we head into 2025, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all the crochet projects I tackled this past year. For me, 2024 was all about experimenting with new yarns and learning new techniques!
Be sure to check out the newest Youtube video on my channel as I walk us through the projects I made this year and reflect on the growth I've noticed in my crochet skills throughout 2024.
ALSO below you can find links to any patterns, creators, or products that I may have mentioned in the video. Whether you’re a seasoned crocheter or just starting out, I hope my journey inspires you to dive into your own creative projects along with me in the new year!
Huge Penguin
The very first thing I crocheted in 2024 was an amigurumi penguin.
The pattern I used is called "Pew the Baby Penguin" by Khuc Cay. It is meant for a smaller penguin, but I decided to use a heavier, fluffier yarn resulting in this huge, cuddly masterpiece. It was so much fun to make, and I’m actually planning on making a blue version soon! 🐧🐧

Crochet Winter Headband
I also worked on some crochet accessories this year, like this cozy headband/ear-warmer. The pattern I used for these is a free pattern online by Kirsten Holloway Designs.
I made a few iterations including a pink one, and brown & white one. While some of the seams didn’t turn out as clean as I wanted, I learned how to make seams look cleaner by making these and still think they all turned out really cute!
Amigurumi Chicken/Hen
This pattern is the one I have used the most!
I think I have made at least 5 of these hens now and it truly never gets old because of how perfect the design is! (the yellow one I show in the video is an exception to the statement I just made since the yarn kept breaking on me and I couldn't cinch the bottom closed! It was the yarn's problem, not the pattern's ahaha!).
Overall, whether you use a fluffy yarn, a chenille yarn, or another option I highly recommend you try out the Mama Maran Pattern by CraftsGoBloom.

Granny Square Scarf
A more advanced project I tackled was a granny square scarf. I’ve been obsessed with granny squares, so I decided to make a scarf using this technique. The scarf turned out beautifully, though I did miss a few colors that I wanted to include. I'm considering adding some fringe to the bottom to give it a unique flair. It's been a cozy addition to my wardrobe, and I’m excited to wear it more.
Daisy Granny Square Blanket
This blanket was the first ever crochet project that I started working on! Although I started making it around June of 2023, I did work on it a bit in 2024 so I wanted to share a progress update.
Daisy Granny Squares are a great first crochet project if you are looking to start getting into crochet! I do not, however, recommend trying to create a whole granny square blanket for your first project. Personally, I got overwhelmed too fast and discovered so many other things I wanted to make but felt like I was "stuck" making 10000 granny squares before I could move on to anything else- a mindset I have since retired!
Along the way I've gotten a lot better at creating these squares and it is easy to see how much my skills have grown through this project.
If you are interested in crocheting this project yourself, I used this youtube tutorial by A Crafty Concept and I definitely recommend it!
You can also check out the PDF version of the pattern on her website!
Daisy Granny Square Bag
Earlier, I alluded to a period of time in which the Daisy Granny Square Blanket became too overwhelming for me. It was at that time when I decided to take the squares I had been working on and create a Daisy Granny Square Bag with them, instead of using them for the blanket.
This turned out to be a great way for me to feel fulfilled in finishing a project instead of working on one that seemingly had no end in sight! Looking back, I see some areas I can improve, like the seam work and the strap width but overall this was a really fun project and I'm really glad I did it
I did not use a true pattern for this bag, but I did use the template below as a reference. From that, I knew how to position each square and where to create seams to eventually create the type of bag I was going for! The size bag I created used 13 squares.

Crochet Hearts
As Valentine’s Day 2024 approached, I made several crochet hearts! I used a youtube video tutorial to learn how to make these.
Once I had made a bunch, I strung them together into a garland to hang up at work!This was a fun and simple project, and each heart I made taught me a little more about crocheting. I will definitely be making more Valentine’s-themed crochet projects in the coming months!
Keep an eye out in February for a Valentine's Day themed video! 🤗❤️✨
Crochet Mesh Bags
I also crocheted 2 mesh bags in 2024! I did these without a pattern which was a milestone for me in 2024 since I had not been able to create anything truly on my own until I made these!
I did use a video initially which I believe is this one by Play Hooky with Me on Youtube. However, the bag I ended up creating was very different than the one in video. In other words, I used the video for inspiration but ended up going my own way with these!
I did not see this pin until recently but if you are interested in making a mesh bag for yourself, this pin by Alice's Crochet Corner could help you out- I wish I had found it when I was making these!
The first one I made was a little bit too small and the yarn I used was a little too stretchy for this style bag. I wanted to make a second one so I started on another version with the goal of making a bigger one. Turns out I overshot a bit because that second one was massive!
I’m definitely looking forward to perfecting this design in 2025 ☺️💪

Chapstick Holders
A more practical project I created was a chapstick holder. I made several of these and attached one to my work lanyard, which I use every day. While it's not the most aesthetically pleasing anymore (after daily use), it’s incredibly functional.
I highly recommend these holders for anyone looking to make a small, useful crochet project!
I also purchased these key chain hooks on Amazon which is how I was able to attach the holder onto my lanyard- plus they're gold and super cute!
Crochet Kitchen Towel
I attempted to make this crochet kitchen towel but didn’t quite finish it.
The stitch pattern I used had too many holes, and the yarn wasn’t absorbent enough for a kitchen towel. However, I enjoyed the stitch pattern so much that I decided to turn it into a blanket instead!
The Sedona Blanket

Check out my last video to learn more about the process of making this blanket!
The Evelyn Blankets
Two of the most recent items I made in 2024 were these two baby blankets for my cousins! For both of these blankets I used the Evelyn Baby Blanket pattern by That Crochet Life and I think it is just the perfect pattern for a baby blanket!
You can also check out my Crochet Vlog: Making 3 Blankets video if you are interested in learning more about these two blankets!

Gratitude for Crochet
Looking back, crochet has been a true source of comfort for me this year. It has helped me through some tough times and provided a great creative outlet for me. Not only has it allowed me to create beautiful things, but it has also allowed me to connect with people that I never would have thought I would have. I’ve learned so much, and I’m so grateful to be able to create!
If you're interested in any of the patterns I used, you can find them linked above! Please check them out so these creators get credit where credit is due!
I can’t wait to see what 2025 holds in terms of new skills, techniques, and projects. Happy New Year, and here's to a year full of more crochet adventures!

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